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Jordan \ Municipalities \ Governorate of the Capital \ New Jizza Municipality \ President of New Jeeza Municipality Easy printable page

Mr. Engineer Mohammad Abdel Mohsen Abul Ghanam

Mr. Engineer Mohammad Abdel Mohsen Abul Ghanam
Date of Birth1958-3-2
City of BirthMadaba  Jordan
AdressPOBox 765 Madba
Tel+962 7 77635555, +962-6-4460515
Fax+962 6 4460456
Secondary Fax+962 6 4460515
Married with 1 daughter and 3 sons
New Jizza Municipality :President of New Jeeza Municipality
1983 Bs & Ms in Civil engineering from Bukharest  (Romania)
1999 International Arbitration Diploma from the Union of Arab Engineers  (Jordan)
Past Occupation
1983 1985 Engineer of the site of Jordanian Army  (Jordan)
1985 1990 Director of Services and Engineering Works at Karak  (Jordan)
1990 1997 Director of Buildings Ministry of Muncipalities  (Jordan)
Current Occupation
1997 Director of Municiapities in Giza Liwaa  (Jordan)
President of New Jeeza Municipality  (Jordan)
(last updated: 04-April-2006)

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