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Qatar \ Legislative System \ Advisory Council Easy printable page

Contact Information
P.O. Box 2043, Doha, State of Qatar
Tel: +974 4413222
Fax: +974 4425526
General Description
The Council has jurisdiction over the State’s general policy offered to it by the government regarding political, economical, cultural, social and administrative matters, laws proposed by the Cabinet and budgets for major projects.
The Council has the following Core Functions:
Debating State political, economic and administrative issues put forward by the government.
Discussing state affairs and their effect on social and cultural rights.
Discussing draft laws proposed by the Cabinet and submitting them to the Shura Council before going before the Emir for ratification and issuance.
Discussing draft budgets for major public projects.
Requesting data from any of the matters within its competence of the Council of Ministers for matters relating to the policy of the Government and the minister for matters within the jurisdiction of his ministry.
Providing recommendations with respect to the matters referred to the State of Qatar and, if accepted, working to make proposals law.
Formation and Membership
The Advisory Council consists of forty-five members, thirty of whom are elected by direct, general secret ballot; and the Emir appoints the remaining fifteen members from amongst the ministers or any other persons. The term of service of the appointed members expires when these members resign their seats or are relieved from their posts.
The Shura Council was established in 1972.
(last updated: 18-December-2009)

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