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Qatar \ Government \ Council of Ministers \ Ministry of Foreign Affairs \ Training and Human Resources Development Office Easy printable page

Contact Information
Tel: +974 4251555
Fax: +974 4251594
General Description
The Training and Human Resources Development Office undertakes the following functions:
1- To define future training needs of all MOFA departments and set schedules and application arrangements to meet such needs.
2- To draw up plans and programs needed to attain the objective of the Office and organize its work.
3- To train personnel of the diplomatic and consular services as well as MOFA administration personnel and upgrade their capabilities and raise their performance levels.
4- To provide training opportunities for all MOFA administrative units as needed and in coordination with them, including short courses abroad or participation in multiple training programs in and abroad organized by international organizations and specialized agencies.
5- To hold specialized training courses for newly-appointed personnel in the diplomatic and consular services and upgrade their capabilities.
6- To coordinate with competent educational institutions courses in foreign languages for MOFA personnel.
7- To coordinate and implement ordinary and specialized training programs and courses and organize filed training programs.
8- To monitor conditions of MOFA personnel studying in Qatar and abroad at training institutions and report on their performance.

(last updated: 01-December-2009)

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