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UAE \ Local Governments \ Emirate of Abu Dhabi \ Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency ERWDA Easy printable page
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Contact Information
PO Box 45553, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971-2-681 7171
Fax: +971-2-681 0008
General Description
Its mission is to:

assist the Abu Dhabi Government in the conservation and management of the Emirate′s natural environment, resources, wildlife and biological diversity. This is to be done through scientific research, proactive planning and coordination, environmental awareness promotion, policy formulation and enforcement that balances sustainable economic development with protection of the environment for this and future generations.
(last updated: 28-May-2009)

The documentation was gathered with the best efforts of researchers and scholars, in neutral and scientific spirit. We welcome all clarifications, corrections and improvements for best services. A Concept Team makes every effort to ensure, but cannot guarantee, the accuracy at all times of this information. Hyperlinks to or from other websites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those websites by A Concept.
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